Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"How Pakistan Failed Itself"

I read this article from Time, "How Pakistan Failed Itself" today when getting a pedicure. How Washington. It was actually informative and interesting and kept me drying my nails for much, much longer than usual. (I am disgustingly impatient and usually leave far too soon and mess up three nails in 5 minutes.)

The article shows many sides of Pakistan, focusing at times on conversations with a upper level female Pakistani pilot and her progressive urban friends at a bar/restaurant in the Himalayan resort town of Nathiagali. I kind of want to hang out there with them. Feel free to drop me an email if you're reading this, Rifat.

Her voice echoes Mufti and Cole on Bill Moyer's last Friday night (see below for my post on the show):
"What is all this talk of Talibanization? Not once have these maulvis [religious leaders] complained that a woman is flying their plane," she says. Guests nod in agreement. "There is no way the Taliban can take over Pakistan," says one. "We are too many, and they are too few."

I thought this point from author Ayrn Baker was smart:
"Talibanization doesn't start with a military takeover. It happens when there is a Red Mosque in every city and citizens are afraid to stand up to its edicts. "

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