Monday, June 15, 2009

Three cheers for Iranians and Andrew Sullivan.

I can't believe I am taking the time to post this (haven't packed the night before leaving for Morocco for six weeks) but Andrew Sullivan's postings on Iran are just TOO UNBELIEVABLY AMAZINGLY INCREDIBLE to not mention.

There are a ton of videos on his page, here is a video of Iranians screaming Allah Akbar in protest from rooftops in Tehran. (As Michael Totten, one of the most amazing, if not the most amazing, traveling-reporter-bloggers-writers (thanks for the reminder Willy Pell) notes, the mullahs ain't gon' do nothin about that!)

Any one of my students could tell you this, I am totally and absolutely obsessed with how and why revolutions happen when they do. But I always look at them in history - China, Russia, Iran; I feel like I might be living through one right now...and I can't believe I am not there. Boy oh boy I would give anything to be in Iran right now.

I am so in awe of, and inspired by, the Iranian people. We should all do our part, anything we can to stand by them in solidarity and support.

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