About 300 Afghani women - Sunni, Shii, Hazari, you name it - were out in the streets protesting the new law that sanctions marital rape and restricts women from leaving their homes. Here is a line of Afghan women police protecting the protesters.
Some of the response of the counter-demonstrators response with:
“We Afghans don’t want a bunch of NATO commanders and foreign ministers telling us what to do.”
"Slave of the Christians." (Man I wish he knew the Catholic church's take on women, and how 'Christianity' has traditionally treated women. I mean painting women's rights as a Christian value is just backwards. )
OK, to be fair, we know what he means: women's rights = western value; west = invading, oppressive, occupier.
I am not saying I agree with these yahoos - I do not think that foreign policies alone have led to a lack of women's rights in the region and in Afghanistan - but they have played a role.
Get a copy of Waleed Aly's book "People Like Us" - he has a whole chapter on this "women's rights = western values". The fact is, women have theoretically lots of rights in Islam, but patriarchy is what the Afghan Yahoos are about, not religion. Of course, you know that :-D But the book is still worth reading.
I am enjoying this blog :-)
Thanks for the tip. Will do. Stinkin patriarchical yahoos.
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