Saturday, April 11, 2009

Indigenous opposition to Afghan law

Important to note the indigenous opposition to the new Afghan law that would apply to Shii community. The Wash Post does in an article today.

Many legislators, politicians, activists, students and **moderate Shii clerics are fighting the law that would allow women to leave their homes only for 'legit cultural purposes' and would sanction martial rape.

This past week, Obama was asked about the law, he called it abhorrent. He also quickly redirected the conversation to highlight that US priorities in Afghanistan were to root out Taliban and AQ.

While the visceral reaction of many, like HR (human rights) activists, might be to criticize Obama for abandoning an HR agenda in Afghanistan and the broader region; but maybe he is encouraging that agenda by not aggressively pursing it.

Of course, international pressure, properly exercised, is important in furthering human rights, women's rights, rule of law, good governance around the world. But forcing these ideas and systems does not work. Also, currently our rep is tainted in the region. Association with the US currently can put what might be good causes in bad light. In terms of this law, the US should encourage indigenous groups and leaders to rally around reversing the law.

I mentioned this possible strategy below regarding Michelle Dunne's (Arab Reform Bulletin - Carnegie) comments that Obama did not discuss the D work (democracy) when speaking about Arab states in Turkey.

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